Grade Style Guide
The Grade brand is a powerful blend of color, typography, and logo elements that convey our company’s identity. This manual provides guidelines to maintain consistency in all brand communications, ensuring that every interaction reflects our core values and aesthetic.
Looking for Grade powerpoints and other templates, or more in depth information, please go to:
Teams > Go To Market > General > Files > Grade Group. Here you will find everything to still your marketing needs. If you have any questions, please contact the marketing team.
Grade Light Coral
HEX: FF7078
RGB: 255, 112, 120
PMS: 184C
Grade Oxford Blue
HEX: 3C475F
RGB: 60, 71, 95
PMS: 2379C
Only use these colors. Don’t create your own.
Complementary colors
These colors can be used as a complement for things like backgrounds and diagrams. However, they are not to be overused.
Light Coral 40%
Light Coral 10%
Oxford Blue 40%
Oxford Blue 100
Text Colors
It’s important to notice the slight color difference between the heading and the body text. The heading text should be Grade Oxford Blue #3C475F
Heading and Body
This is a Heading
Our logo tells the story of our company, with only a name, colors and a symbol. The logo and symbol are equally important parts of the brand and should be used delicately. The symbol shows two capital G’s joining together, creating a ”Lemniscate, the symbol of eternity.
Right click download logos
Logo Do's & Dont's
Primary Typeface
Header text
Poppins is used for all headers in all our communication. We use Poppins Bold for headings and Poppins Semi Bold for subheaders.
Poppins Bold
Poppins SemiBold
Body text
Nunito Regular is used as body text in all our communication. Nunito Bold can be used to emphasize words.
Nunito Regular
Nunito Bold
Alternative Typeface
When our typefaces Poppins and Nunito can’t be installed, you can use Helvetica as a header, and as body text. Both these typefaces are standard typefaces on PC and Mac. However. usage of alternative typefaces is not to be promoted. Only use if not able to install the main typefaces. Please contact the marketing team if you need assistance installing the main typefaces.